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Misconduct Before Arbitral Tribunal Or Sole Arbitrator Can Constitute Contempt Of Court: Delhi High Court

Partition suit - Sale before 2005 by male members - daughters not challenged within limitation - Plaintiffs suppressed material fact of PoA, disqualified them from claiming relief -

General power of attorney is executed jointly by more than one principal, the death of one principal would not automatically terminate the agency.

Default in repayment of loan - Order of attachment of property - Arbitral Tribunal had exercised its discretion properly.

Co-operative society registered under Act of 1983 does not fall within the definition of "public authority" under S. 2(h) of RTI Act Co-operative society is not bound by RTI Act to provide information.

Grounds urged before District Court were urged before Arbitrator and Arbitrator gave reasons for rejecting contentions of ap- pellant and granted an award in favour of respondent - Those grounds cannot be re-agitated in S.34 application -

where plaintiff alleges title to the property is denied court fee to be paid on half of market value of the property or subject to a minimum under Section 27(a) Admission that title of plaintiff in respect of suit property is disputed by the respondent, the valuation under Section = 27(c) improper.

Stridhana properties of a female dying intestate before Hindu succession Act, presence of daughter would have excluded the son and husband -

Non-consummation of marriage, Plea of Not allowing sexual intercourse without reason amounts to mental cruelty

Specific Performance - Plaintiff filed suit for injunction anf filed petition for leave to file a comprehensive suit of specific performance at later stage on the same cause of action and it was "Permitted" - No party can reserve main relief, on account of payment of heavy court fee and file a suit for consequential relief, reserving main relief, under O.2 R.2 CPC Not legally maintainable,