petitioner has obtained a stay of all further proceedings in execution - Despite being aware about the stay of all further proceeding in execution, which included the auction purchase by the 1st respondent, 1st respondent has filed the instant suit, which is nothing but a re-litigation


C.R.P. (MD) No.1981 of 2014 Date of decision- 1.2.2022. M.Venkatachalam V/s Karunkarapandian and ors.


Civil Procedure Code, 1908, - Dismissal of application for rejection of plaint By filing the suit in - question, the plaintiff respondent is attempting to scuttle legal process - Respondent/plaintiff is an auction purchaser and the petitioner has obtained a stay of all further proceedings in execution - Despite being aware about the stay of all further proceeding in execution, which included the auction purchase by the 1st respondent, 1st respondent has filed the instant suit, which is nothing but a re-litigation - Order set aside.
