Suit property contributed as share capital by Defendants in Partnership entered into with Plaintiffs - cannot seek Decree of Prohibitory Injunction against other Partners regarding enjoyment of property -

P.R. Shivakumar, J. in 

Marappan, N. vs. V.S.T. Sengottaian

  2016 (6) СТС  337 : 2016 (3) MWN (Civil) 629 : 2016 (5) MLJ 138: 2016 (3) LW 248. , 

Section 14 - Specific Relief Act, 1963 (47 of 1963) - Injunction in respect of Firm's property - Property of Firm Ownership of Injunction against - Whether warranted Suit property contributed as share capital by Defendants in Partnership entered into with Plaintiffs Patta for Suit property standing in name of Defendants Payment of Electricity charges and Property Tax by Plaintiffs, held, would not establish ownership of Plaintiffs over property Plea of Dissolution of Partnership raised by Plaintiffs, not substantiated Possession of property belonging to Partnership, held, would tantamount to possession of property by all Partners Plaintiff, held, cannot seek Decree of Prohibitory Injunction against other Partners regarding enjoyment of property - Finding of Trial Court that Plaintiffs were not entitled to relief of Injunction, upheld.- 
