Co-operative society registered under Act of 1983 does not fall within the definition of "public authority" under S. 2(h) of RTI Act Co-operative society is not bound by RTI Act to provide information.

AIR 2024 MADRAS 239
: AIROnline 2024 MAD 665


President, Z.B.70, Madhanam Primary Ag- ricultural, Co-operative Credit Society, Office of Co-operative Society, Mailaduthurai v. State Information Commissioner, A-Section, Tamil Nadu Information Commission, Chennai.

W.P.No. 14298 of 2022, D/-6-6-2024.

Tamil Nadu Co-operative Societies (30 of 1983), S. 4 - Right to Information Act (22 of 2005), Ss. 6(1), 2(h) — Со-ор- erative society - RTI Act whether appli- cable - Co-operative society registered under Act of 1983 does not fall within the definition of "public authority" under S. 2(h) of RTI Act Co-operative society is not bound by RTI Act to provide informa- tion requested by a citizen Order of State Information Commissioner directing petitioner, society to furnish information to its member was quashed.AIR 2013 SC (Supp) 437, AIR 2015 MAD 169, Followed. (Para 11)
